This class allows you to interact with WAV or MIDI files without using the Microsoft Multimedia Control.
Procedure Name | Type | Description |
(Declarations) | Declarations | Declarations and private variables for the CWAVMID class. |
FileName | Property | Get the name of the file. |
Length | Property | Get the play length of the sound file. |
Position | Property | Get the position of the sound file. |
Class_Terminate | Terminate | Close the MCI resource. |
OpenWAV | Method | Open the WAV file. The filename property should be set before calling this procedure. |
Pause | Method | Pause the WAV file. |
Play | Method | Play the WAV file. The OpenWav procedure must be called before this procedure. |
Record | Method | Record a WAV file. The FileName property must be defined before calling this method. This method saves the recording to the file specified in FileName. |
Rewind | Method | Rewind the WAV file. |
StopPlay | Method | Stop playing the WAV file. |
CloseWAV | Method | Close the WAV file. |
' Example of the CWAVMID Class ' ' To try this example, do the following: ' 1. Create a new form ' 2. Add a command button called 'cmdPlay' ' 3. Add a command button called 'cmdStop' ' 4. Add a command button called 'cmdPause' ' 5. Add a command button called 'cmdRewind' ' 6. Add a command button called 'cmdRecord' ' 7. Paste all the code from this example to the new form's module ' 8. Run the form ' This example assumes that the sample files are located in the folder named by the following constant. Private Const mcstrSamplePath As String = "C:\TVSBSamp" Private mclsWavMid As CWAVMID Private Sub cmdPause_Click() If mclsWavMid Is Nothing Then CreateWavMidObject "Play" End If ' Pause playback mclsWavMid.Pause End Sub Private Sub cmdPlay_Click() If mclsWavMid Is Nothing Then CreateWavMidObject "Play" End If ' Play the file mclsWavMid.Play End Sub Private Sub cmdRewind_Click() If mclsWavMid Is Nothing Then CreateWavMidObject "Play" End If ' Rewind the file mclsWavMid.Rewind End Sub Private Sub cmdStop_Click() If mclsWavMid Is Nothing Then CreateWavMidObject "Play" End If ' Stop the playback mclsWavMid.StopPlay End Sub Private Sub CreateWavMidObject(ByRef strRecordOrPlay As String) Set mclsWavMid = New CWAVMID If strRecordOrPlay = "Play" Then ' set the filename mclsWavMid.FileName = mcstrSamplePath & "\test.wav" ' open the file mclsWavMid.OpenWAV Else mclsWavMid.FileName = mcstrSamplePath & "\testYourRecording.wav" End If ' Set the button captions cmdRecord.Caption = "Record" cmdPlay.Caption = "Play" cmdPause.Caption = "Pause" cmdStop.Caption = "Stop" cmdRewind.Caption = "Rewind" End Sub Private Sub cmdRecord_Click() Dim lngLastPointer As Long If mclsWavMid Is Nothing Then CreateWavMidObject "Record" End If 'Save the last mousepointer in use lngLastPointer = Screen.MousePointer 'Show hourglass Screen.MousePointer = vbHourglass 'Record for 5 seconds mclsWavMid.Record (5000) 'Close when we are done mclsWavMid.CloseWAV 'Reset mousepointer Screen.MousePointer = lngLastPointer End Sub Private Sub Form_Load() Me.cmdPause.Caption = "Pause" Me.cmdPlay.Caption = "Play" Me.cmdStop.Caption = "Stop" Me.cmdRecord.Caption = "Record" Me.cmdRewind.Caption = "Rewind" End Sub
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