This class sets up an ADO connection object for use with a Microsoft Jet database. It uses the Jet ODBC driver rather than the Jet OLE DB driver.
Procedure Name | Type | Description |
(Declarations) | Declarations | Declarations and private variables for the CADOConnJetODBC class. |
Attributes | Property | Get the Connection attribute flags used to open the connection to the database. For a Connection object, the Attributes property is read/write, and its value can be the sum of any one or more of the XactAttributeEnum values (default is zero). |
CommandTimeout | Property | Get the value of the CommandTimeout property of the connection. Use this property to allow the cancellation of an Execute method call, due to delays from network traffic or heavy server use. |
Connection | Property | Get a pointer to the local Connection object that was created by this class. This property is read-only. You may use this property to gain access to all of the properties and methods of the ADODB Connection object via an object variable declared from the CADOConnJetODBC class. |
ConnectionTimeout | Property | Get the value of the ConnectionTimeout property of the connection. Use this property on a Connection object if delays from network traffic or heavy server use make it necessary to abandon a connection attempt. |
ConnectString | Property | Get the value of the ConnectString property of the connection. This property is a combination of the values supplied as properties of this class and additional values supplied after the connection is made. |
CursorLocation | Property | Get the value of the CursorLocation property of the connection. This property allows you to choose between various cursor libraries accessible to the provider. Usually, you can choose between using a client-side cursor library or one that is located on the server. |
DataSource | Property | Get the name of the server machine used to create the connection. The name may use either mapped drive letters or follow the UNC standard for referring to server and share locations. |
DefaultDir | Property | Get the default directory used to create the connection. |
Driver | Property | Get the ODBC driver used to create the connection. Normally this property should not be changed from its default value of "{Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)}". |
IsolationLevel | Property | Get the value of the IsolationLevel property of the connection. Use this property to set the isolation level of a Connection object. The IsolationLevel property is read/write. The setting does not take effect until the next time you call the BeginTrans method. If the level of isolation you request is unavailable, the provider may return the next greater level of isolation. |
Mode | Property | Get the value of the Mode property of the connection. Use this property to set or return the access permissions in use by the provider on the current connection. You can set the Mode property only when the Connection object is closed. |
Password | Property | Get the password used to log into the database. If the Jet database is secured with Jet security, use this property to specify the password for the user that is logging into the database. This property is used in conjunction with the UserID and SystemDB properties. |
SystemDBName | Property | Get the fully-qualified path to the Microsoft Jet workgroup security database. If the Jet database is secured with Jet security, use this property to specify the location of the workgroup system information database. This property is used in conjunction with the UserID and Password properties. |
UserID | Property | Get the user name used to log into the server. If the Jet database is secured with Jet security, use this property to specify the name of the user to log into the database. This property is used in conjunction with the Password and SystemDB properties. |
Class_Initialize | Initialize | Set initial values to defaults which may be overridden with property settings. |
Class_Terminate | Terminate | Release resources used by the class. |
CloseConnection | Method | Close the current connection to the ODBC database to free any associated system resources. |
OpenConnection | Method | Open the ADODB Connection to the specified ODBC database, using the properties of this class to control parameters of the connection. |
BuildConnectString | Private | Create the string used as the ConnectString property of the class, which is the value used to open the connection. |
m_Connection_BeginTransComplete | Private | The private local ADODB.Connection variable raises connection related events. This procedure simply passes the BeginTransComplete events on to the user of this class. |
m_Connection_CommitTransComplete | Private | The private local ADODB.Connection variable raises connection related events. This procedure simply passes the CommitTransComplete events on to the user of this class. |
m_Connection_ConnectComplete | Private | The private local ADODB.Connection variable raises connection related events. This procedure simply passes the ConnectComplete events on to the user of this class. |
m_Connection_Disconnect | Private | The private local ADODB.Connection variable raises connection related events. This procedure simply passes the Disconnect events on to the user of this class. |
m_Connection_ExecuteComplete | Private | The private local ADODB.Connection variable raises connection related events. This procedure simply passes the ExecuteComplete events on to the user of this class. |
m_Connection_InfoMessage | Private | The private local ADODB.Connection variable raises connection related events. This procedure simply passes the InfoMessage events on to the user of this class. |
m_Connection_RollbackTransComplete | Private | The private local ADODB.Connection variable raises connection related events. This procedure simply passes the RollbackTransComplete events on to the user of this class. |
m_Connection_WillConnect | Private | The private local ADODB.Connection variable raises connection related events. This procedure simply passes the WillConnect events on to the user of this class. |
m_Connection_WillExecute | Private | The private local ADODB.Connection variable raises connection related events. This procedure simply passes the WillExecute events on to the user of this class. |
' Example of CADOConnJetODBC ' ' To try this example, do the following: ' 1. Create a new form ' 2. Create a command button 'cmdTest' ' 3. Paste all the code from this example to the new form's module. ' This example assumes that the sample files are located in the folder named by the following constant. Private Const mcstrSamplePath As String = "C:\TVSBSamp" Private WithEvents mADOConnJetODBC As CADOConnJetODBC Private Sub cmdTest_Click() ' Comments: This example creates the CADOConnJetODBC object. The connection is made asynchronously. ' When the connection is complete, the ConnectComplete event is used to open a recordset using the connection. Set mADOConnJetODBC = New CADOConnJetODBC With mADOConnJetODBC .UserID = "Admin" .Password = "" .CursorLocation = adUseServer .DataSource = mcstrSamplePath & "\sample.mdb" .Mode = adModeRead ' When this command is executed, the mADOConnJetODBC_ConnectComplete procedure is invoked since the called class raises the ConnectComplete event. .OpenConnection End With End Sub Private Sub Form_Load() cmdTest.Caption = "Test" End Sub Private Sub mADOConnJetODBC_ConnectComplete(ByVal pError As ADODB.Error, adStatus As ADODB.EventStatusEnum, ByVal pConnection As ADODB.Connection) ' Comments: Event procedure that is raised by the CADOConnJetODBC when the connection is completed. ' Perform tasks, update the user interface, etc. when the connection is completed Dim rstProducts As ADODB.Recordset Dim strSQL As String strSQL = "SELECT ProductName FROM Products ORDER BY ProductName" If pError Is Nothing Then If pConnection.state = adStateOpen Then Debug.Print "Connect string: " & pConnection.ConnectionString ' In this example, show the list of products in the Immediate Window Set rstProducts = pConnection.Execute(strSQL) If Not rstProducts.EOF Then Do Until rstProducts.EOF Debug.Print rstProducts("ProductName") rstProducts.MoveNext Loop End If rstProducts.Close Set rstProducts = Nothing MsgBox "Connection successfully opened" Else MsgBox "Unable to open the connection" End If Else MsgBox "Unable to open the connection" End If End Sub
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