Procedure Name | Type | Description |
(Declarations) | Declarations | Declarations and private variables for the modApplication module. |
CloseAccess | Procedure | Close the current database and exits Access. |
CloseCurrentDatabase | Procedure | Close the current database. |
DebugCleanup | Procedure | Turns the hourglass cursor off and restores the Echo state. |
GetAccessProfile | Procedure | Get the/profile setting specified by the user when starting Microsoft Access from the command line. A user profile is an Access-specific set of keys in the Windows Registry that you can create to change standard Microsoft Access and Microsoft Jet database engine settings. You can also use user profiles to set run-time options. To activate a user profile, use the /profile command-line option to specify this user profile when you start your application. For more information, search Access online help for "Profiles". |
GetCurrentUserName | Procedure | Get the name of the current logged in user, as defined by the Microsoft Jet security model. This is the name logged into Microsoft Access. If Access Workgroup Security is not in use, this function always returns the user name "Admin". |
GetWorkgroupFile | Procedure | Get the path and name of the Access security workgroup file currently in use. The Access/Jet security model uses a workgroup information file to store user, group and password information. |
HideDatabaseWindow | Procedure | Hides or shows the database window or navigation pane. |
MinimizeDatabaseWindow | Procedure | Minimize the database window or navigation pane. |
RestoreDatabaseWindow | Procedure | Restore the database window or navigation pane after it was minimized. |
ShowSearchBar | Procedure | Show or hide the Search Bar in the Navigation Pane (Access 2007 or later). |
HideAccessObject | Procedure | Programmatically hide or unhide a single object so that it doesn't appear in the Database Window or Navigation Pane. |
HideAllAccessObjects | Procedure | Programmatically hide objects so they don't appear in the Database Window or Navigation Pane, or unhide them. Hide all objects or only objects of a particular type (e.g. tables). |
' Example of modApplication ' ' To try this example, do the following: ' 1. Create a new form in your copy of Sample.mdb (in the Total Visual SourceBook sample directory). ' 2. Create the following command buttons: ' cmdCloseAccess ' cmdCloseDB ' cmdTest ' cmdHideShowDB ' cmdDBWindow ' cmdShowHideSearchBar ' cmdHideShowObjects ' 3. Paste this code into the form's module #If VBA7 Then Private Declare PtrSafe Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32" (ByVal lngMilliSeconds As Long) #Else Private Declare Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32" (ByVal lngMilliSeconds As Long) #End If Private Sub cmdDBWindow_Click() ' Example of MinimizeDatabaseWindow and RestoreDatabaseWindow Static fMin As Boolean If fMin Then fMin = Not fMin RestoreDatabaseWindow Else fMin = Not fMin MinimizeDatabaseWindow End If End Sub Private Sub cmdHideShowObject_Click() ' Example of hiding/showing a single object (HideAccessObject) and hiding/showing all Access objects (HideAccessObjects) Dim strTableName As String ' Default to first table in the database strTableName = CurrentDb.TableDefs(0).name strTableName = InputBox("First we'll hide/show a single table." & vbCrLf & "Enter the name of a table in the current database:", "HideAccessObject Example", strTableName) If strTableName <> "" Then HideAccessObject True, acTable, strTableName Application.RefreshDatabaseWindow MsgBox strTableName & " is hidden. It will now be un-hidden." HideAccessObject False, acTable, strTableName If MsgBox("Now we'll hide/show all tables. Continue? ", vbYesNo, "HideAccessObjectS Example") = vbYes Then HideAllAccessObjects True, False, acTable Application.RefreshDatabaseWindow MsgBox "All tables are hidden. They will now be un-hidden." HideAllAccessObjects False, False, acTable End If End If End Sub Private Sub cmdShowHideSearchBar_Click() ' Example of ShowSearchBar Static fShowSearch As Boolean fShowSearch = Not fShowSearch ShowSearchBar fShowSearch End Sub Private Sub Form_Load() ' Setup the controls Dim ctl As Control Dim lngTop As Integer Me.cmdTest.Caption = "Test Access application functions" Me.cmdCloseAccess.Caption = "Close Access" Me.cmdCloseDB.Caption = "Close DB" Me.cmdHideShowDB.Caption = "Hide/Show DB" Me.cmdDBWindow.Caption = "Min/Restore DB Window" Me.cmdShowHideSearchBar.Caption = "Show/Hide Search Bar (Access 2007+)" Me.cmdHideShowObject.Caption = "Hide/Show Objects" lngTop = 100 For Each ctl In Me.Controls If ctl.ControlType = acCommandButton Then ctl.Top = lngTop ctl.Left = 100 ctl.Width = 4000 ctl.Height = 400 lngTop = lngTop + 500 End If Next ctl End Sub Private Sub cmdCloseAccess_Click() ' Example of CloseAccess If MsgBox("Are you sure you want to close Access?", vbYesNo) = vbYes Then CloseAccess End If End Sub Private Sub cmdCloseDB_Click() ' Example of CloseCurrentDatabase If MsgBox("Are you sure you want to this database?", vbYesNo) = vbYes Then CloseCurrentDatabase End If End Sub Private Sub cmdHideShowDB_Click() Static fShow As Boolean ' Example of HideDatabaseWindow fShow = Not fShow HideDatabaseWindow fShow End Sub Private Sub cmdTest_Click() ' Example of DebugCleanup DoCmd.Hourglass True DoCmd.Echo False If MsgBox("Turn off hourglass and restore the Echo state?", vbYesNo) = vbYes Then DebugCleanup Debug.Print "DebugCleanup turned the hourglass cursor off and restored the Echo state" Else 'Wait 3 seconds, then restore echo state (otherwise the form appears locked) Sleep 3000 DoCmd.Echo True End If ' Example of GetAccessProfile Debug.Print "Access profile: " & GetAccessProfile() ' Example of GetCurrentUserName Debug.Print "Current user: " & GetCurrentUserName() ' Example of GetWorkgroupFile Debug.Print "Workgroup: " & GetWorkgroupFile() MsgBox "Check debug (or Immediate) window for application information." End Sub
The source code in Total Visual Sourcebook includes modules and classes for Microsoft Access, Visual Basic 6 (VB6), and Visual Basic
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