The Ultimate Visual Studio .NET Code Library
Total .NET SourceBook is the Ultimate Code Library for Microsoft
Visual Studio .NET. It has thousands of lines of C# and Visual Basic
.NET code. Hundreds of categories, samples, tips, how-to's and
royalty-free code makes .NET coding a snap.
Huge Library of Code and Information
Total .NET SourceBook includes hundreds of classes, code snippets,
how-to's and articles for just about every area of .NET development.
C# and Visual Basic .NET versions of each item are provides along with
helpful notes.
Manage Your Knowledge
Total .NET SourceBook provides one convenient place to manage code,
knowledge and techniques for .NET. As you write new routines, or find
good tips on the Internet or newsgroups, simply add them to your
SourceBook database. Finding code is now as easy as pressing a button.
A full-featured color-coding editor is included with support for C#,
C++, VB.NET, VB6/VBA, Java, JavaScript, XML, and HTML.
Share Your Entire Team's Knowledge
Because Total .NET SourceBook is completely multi-user, every
member of your .NET development team can share in each other's
knowledge and experience. As each individual adds code or content, it
instantly becomes available to the entire team.
Standalone Code Explorer, or Visual
Studio .NET Add-In
Total .NET SourceBook is the only code library for .NET that
provides both a full-featured standalone Code Explorer, and an
integrated Visual Studio .NET Add-in.

Simply drag code out of our Visual Studio .NET tool window and put it
directly in your project. Or grab any code out of your solution and drag
it into Total .NET SourceBook--its as easy as that.
Pricing and Availability
Total .NET SourceBook is available now